Knoxville's First OB/GYN Group - providing comprehensive care for Women
(865) 524-3208
Mon - Fri: 9:00AM - 5:00PM Sat - Sun: Closed

Prenatal Classes

First Baby?

If this is your first baby, our practice recommends that you and your coach attend prepared childbirth classes.  There are several options for classes.

Covenant Health: Teddy Bear University: Prenatal Classes offered at Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center

The anticipation of a baby can be an exciting and challenging time in your life. Teddy Bear University wants to assist you in obtaining the knowledge, skills, and confidence necessary to meet these challenges. Attending any or all of the classes offered will help you prepare for the birth of your child.

Class Listing:  Pregnancy & Childbirth Series, Breastfeeding Class, Breathing and Relaxation Class,
CPR for Infants and Children, Marvelous Multiples, Sibling Class

Classes offered at either Fort Sanders Regional Hospital or Fort Sanders Parkwest.
Call 673-3678 to register or go to