Knoxville's First OB/GYN Group - providing comprehensive care for Women
(865) 524-3208
Mon - Fri: 9:00AM - 5:00PM Sat - Sun: Closed
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Pregnancy Planning

Prenatal Classes

If this is your first baby, our practice recommends that you and your coach attend prepared childbirth classes.

Teddy Bear University

The anticipation of a baby can be an exciting and challenging time in your life. Teddy Bear University wants to assist you in obtaining the knowledge, skills, and confidence necessary to meet these challenges. Attending any or all of the classes offered will help you prepare for the birth of your child.

Class Listing

Pregnancy & Childbirth series


Breathing & Relaxation

CPR for Infants & Children

Marvelous Multiples

Sibling Class

Classes offered at either Fort Sanders Regional Hospital or Fort Sanders Parkwest.

Common Questions about Labor

Prenatal Care is a very important part of having a normal healthy baby. Prenatal visits help us diagnose and intervene asneeded as early as possible. We encourage you to become active in your care and keep a list of questions or concerns.

When to Call Your Doctor

Contractions may begin 15-20 minutes apart and last 30-45 seconds. Usually, you will not need to go to the hospital when your contractions begin.

It is time to call the doctor when your contractions are 5 minutes apart, last at least 60 seconds and you have to breathe through the contractions.

The contractions should be five minutes apart for at least one hour.

If you think your water has broken (a sudden gush of fluid or constant trickling down your leg) you should call the doctor.

Call the doctor if you experience bleeding more than spotting or decreased fetal movement, or have questions regarding symptoms you are experiencing.

We have an answering service relaying calls to the physicians. If for some reason you do not receive a call back from a physician in 30 minutes, please call the exchange again–there are some situations when the pages do not go through the satellite tower.

False labor – It may be difficult to tell the difference between false and true labor. Call the doctor if you are not sure. Be prepared for the possibility of being sent back home if you are having false labor.

Early Labor at Home

Early Labor at Home content

Admission to the Hospital

Admission to the Hospital content

During Labor

During Labor content


Delivery content

After Delivery

After Delivery content

Who do I call?

Please call if you are in labor or having medical problems which require immediate attention. There is a doctor on call 24 hours a day for emergencies.

Where do I go?

When you arrive at Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center, go to the emergency department, and from there you will be transported to Labor and Delivery.

Interested in Lamaze classes? Call Knoxville Prepared Childbirth Association

What to Bring to the Hospital

Insurance Cards

Pediatrician Name

List of Known Allergies


Change for Vending Machines

Insurance Cards

Telephone Numbers

Extra socks

Chapstick or Lipgloss


Loose Fitting Clothing

Outfit for Baby to Wear Home

Outfit for Baby's First Picture

Car Seat

List of Support Persons for Delivery

Contact us for more information or book an appointment